Four Early 20th Century Piano Suites by Black Composers (Coleridge-Taylor, Burleigh, Dett, Matthews) G. Schirmer. ISBN: 0-7935-7604-0
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American Piano Classics (Civil War era through early twenties). Dover Publications, ISBN: 0-486-41337-2)
Percy Grainger: Country Gardens and Other Works for Piano. Dover Publications, ISBN: 0-486-42241-0
Great Waltzes for Solo Piano (includes pieces from Beethoven to Hindemith); Dover Publications, ISBN 0-486-43119-3)
Favorite Nocturnes and Other Piano Works by John Field. Dover Publications, ISBN 0-486-44159-8)
Tangos, Milongas, and Other Latin-American Dances for Solo Piano (Cervantes, Morel, Nazareth, etc.) Dover Publications, ISBN: 0-486-42787-0
Piano Discoveries (each with an essay). Ekay Music ISBN: 0-943748-86-0
Romancing the Piano (by 22 different composers, includes a CD). Steinway Library, ISBN: 1-929009-21-6)
Rare Finds (each with an essay; includes a CD); Steinway Library, Ekay Music ISBN: 1-929009-53-4
Rubinstein: Variations sur l’air Yankee Doodle (introduction by Smith), Musica Obscura Editions
Simply Romantic Piano (easier repertoire from the Romantic era), Steinway Library, Ekay Music ISBN: 1-929009-52-6)
Mano Sinistra: Etudes for the Cultivation of the Left Hand. International Music Company, No. 3646.
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