Iglesia de San Juan will host a community cultural festival featuring live music. The summer music program students will perform a short set, followed by ZUMIX’s DiverCity Band. International food will be available for sale. All proceeds will support the Christ Church/ISJ Music Program.
Please Join Us from 1pm to 4pm on Sunday August 24th, right after our combined service.
I am trying to get a stamped copy of my Holy Baptism Certificate
Name: Joanne Philomena Ricci (McCusker )
DOB: July 22, 1941 date of Baptism Fifth day of October, 1941 in Christ Church, Hyde Park, mass. I need this to correct a miss spelling in my middle name on my birth certificate from Vital Records and Statistics. They also made a mistake in my mothers maiden name which I am getting a Birth Certificate from Dedham to correct that. I have tried for a year to get this. My Phone: (276)644-9956, Address: 7585 Wolf Run Rd., Bristol, VA. 24202. I can send you a check to cover the cost. I just need someone listen to me from there. It is important to me to get this corrected now. I know God has it correct in Heaven, But I want it corrected here on Earth too.
Thank You, Joanne McCusker
please contact our pastor Fr Kaoma kaoma8john@yahoo.com